Matthew Rubenstein, Online Editor
Graduation Celebration
In celebration of 2020's graduates, both of high school and college, Krispy Kreme spent May 19 giving out a free dozen graduate-themed donuts to any graduate wearing their cap and gown. After running out of these themed donuts early in the morning, Krispy Kreme substituted original glazed donuts as graduates streamed through stores across the country all day long.
The school schedule
Our school year has had about the same schedule for decades: a winter break for holidays, sporadic three day weekends and one week breaks throughout spring, and a long summer break separating school years. Over those decades, our school days have changed. New technologies have been introduced, new subjects integrated, different changes tinkered with. Why have we never thought to change the overarching school year?
The Mueller Report
“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m f*****,” President Donald Trump said after hearing that a special counsel had been appointed on the Russia investigation. This 2017 special counsel was headed by Robert Mueller, who investigated possible connections between Trump’s campaign team and Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election. On April 18th, 2019, the results of the investigation were revealed to the public in a document known as “The Mueller Report.”
Final Bell for Liberty’s Block Schedule?
In response to a new district levy granting the Issaquah School District an extra 40 million dollars a year, a high school scheduling committee was chartered in February 2018. The committee aims to place Issaquah, Skyline, and Liberty High School on a common schedule while simultaneously adding at least one period to the six period school days of Issaquah and Skyline.