Poetic Justice: The Artistic Experience
Tired of analyzing the classics in your English class? Having a hard time relating to old guys who lived 100 years ago? Well, we here at Backpage believe poetry is a misunderstood art (it’s not just a phase, Mom!) and have assembled our “Poetic Justice” collection to inspire the tender soul buried within every student. Next time you’re feeling down, just channel your angst into poetry, and your whiny ramblings could make it into the paper too!
April 21, 2019
Food for Thought
The Sky hath shone upon my humble head
with a fourth chicken strip
in my three piece
—Mother Clucker
Tears for the Deceased
Poetry is a dying art,
and yet no man weeps.
Including myself.
—Dr. Neuss
The Answer Not Taken
Two answers diverged on a partner quiz,
and I chose the one less favored.
And that has made all the difference
in my grade.
—Bobert Lost
Love at 425 Degrees
There is no equal
in taste or price,
to my lovely, lovely
Pizza Bites.
—Father Murphy