Patriots Fight Poverty through unified projects

Mary Russell, Editor in Chief

Club matrimony:

DECA president Kelly Jinguji (12) teamed up with ASB and DECA students Theo Koob (10) and Rachel Ly (10) to create Patriots Fight Poverty. DECA students are required to fulfill a community service project while ASB students fulfill a passion project. Through unity, the two clubs got the community involved in an important cause. “I love when ASB students partner with other groups,” ASB Activity Coordinator Michelle Munson said. “There is no reason for programs to compete; that doesn’t provide unity within a school. We are all Patriots: why not work together?”



Thankful for giving:

Patriots Fight Poverty is a Liberty-created food and coin drive that donated all of the proceeds to the Issaquah food and Clothing bank. From November 13 to the 21, students donated to support the Issaquah Food bank, and for every three dollars donated, students received two “Give Thanks” stickers (shown above). “We tried to think of something that students liked. Right now, students are interested in decorating their water bottles with stickers, and because Thanksgiving was near this project, we decided to put the words “Give Thanks” on the sticker,” Jinguji said.

Hefty donations and hefty hearts:

This project raised and donated nearly 880 dollars and 200 pounds of food to the Issaquah Food and Clothing bank. This project allowed Ly to reflect on the importance of community service. “These kinds of projects are super important because I think they inspire others to help out in various ways with things that not only have to do with poverty,” Ly said. “People see others contributing their time to these kinds of things and realize how passionate we can be about community service and how it actually has an effect on the organizations we are helping.”