Key Club puts on TOLO

Brigitte Larkin, Social Media Director

Everyone loves a good power couple when it comes to watching their favorite movies, and the “Night at the Movies” theme for Tolo this year presents people with the perfect opportunity to dress up as their lifetime idols.
Tolo is taking place on Saturday, March 18. This year’s theme, “A Night at the Movies,” is open to interpretation, so students can dress up as their favorite movie couples, superheroes, or anything from a favorite movie.
“Tolo is about something that’s fun, light-hearted, spirited. It’s not about this formal dance, it’s where everyone can come together for a common purpose and have fun,” junior Alan Tran said.
Instead of being another formal dance like homecoming or prom, Tran says, Tolo is a casual dance where people don’t have to worry about any formalities. The dance is a way to break down the ‘guys ask girls’ gender norm of most school dances by having girls ask guys.
“Tolo is just having a great time with your friends, dressing up as your favorite movie characters or favorite movie couple,” Tran said. “Something like that should really inspire everyone to come.”
Another incentive for students to attend the dance is that the money Key Club raises from putting on Tolo will go to the Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program.