‘Twas the night before winter break…


Edgar Alex Toe, to be or not to be?

‘Twas the night before Winter Break, when all through Liberty High, not a creature was stirring, not even freshman guys! The students were studying literature plot threads while visions of aced finals danced in their heads. ASB ran around spreading holiday cheer to apathetic underclassmen: Munson’s greatest fear. And while freshman couples scramble to find the perfect present, upperclassmen groan, these children they resent. Laziness infects Kennedy as he dozes as if in a bed while visions of video games dance in his head. And Schneider laughs in a jolly good way, while her students beg and plead for another study day.
All of a sudden there arose such a clatter, so I left my AP Stats class to see what was the matter. In the commons, which had ASB decorations to spare, a a crowd of students greeted me there. A tall, lanky man dressed in a red suit with fake beard, gold buttons, and rosy cheeks to boot! It was Mr. Martin, The Principal of our school, on a makeshift sleigh, dressed up all cool. And what was this rigamaroo all about? My question was answered when he began to shout.
“For all of you students stressed out of your minds, In Skyward tomorrow you’ll be glad to find a special treat given for all your hard work, your angst, your time, and for not being a jerk. Every class that you failed, dropped, skipped, or even quit, into the grade column an “A” will soon fit. As your parents and loved ones stare in disbelief, lose your stress, your anxiety, your pain, your grief. And your holiday season I’m sure it will make, 4.0’s for all! And to all a good break.