On Wednesday, September 11th, Liberty’s students roared with spirit at the kickoff assembly led by ASB with highlights from band, cheer, drill, and Color Guard, as well as speeches from several sports’ captains and Principal Brownson! Go Patriots!
New Cell Phone Policy
Liberty3Lake Washington1Apr 11 / Boys Soccer
Liberty3Sammamish1Apr 9 / Boys Soccer
Liberty74Mercer Island76Apr 4 / Track and Field
Liberty79Mercer Island66Apr 4 / Track and Field
Liberty2Mercer Island2Apr 4 / Boys Soccer
Liberty1Juanita2Mar 28 / Boys Soccer
Liberty106Interlake69Mar 27 / Track and Field
Liberty111Interlake71Mar 27 / Track and Field
Liberty1Bellevue2Mar 26 / Boys Soccer
Liberty1Lake Washington9Mar 25 / Baseball
As Ramadan - a holy month of fasting and prayer for Muslims - begins on February 28, room 5102 bustles...
When was the last time you consumed gasoline? It might be more recent than you thought. After years...
Junior Health Scholar Shruthi Venkat is serving one of the hospital patients lunch when, suddenly, she sees a stampede of doctors racing towards...
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I...
After the recent GRAMMYs award ceremony, lots of talk has been centered around “Album of the Year” and “Record of the Year” and who should’ve...
On average, a high school student plays one to two sports during their high school career. But, what would it be like to play three sports, four...
Every week on Tuesdays, at Liberty High School, students with and without physical and/or intellectual disabilities participate in the Unified...
From their historic season record to their first-place finishes, Liberty’s cheer team has been breaking records since the start of their competition...
The nerves linger before and after the countdown. Droplets fly up with the explosions that break the surface of the cool water. The echoes of...