Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press

Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press

Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press


School Delayed in response to COVID-19 until April 24


Spring Sports seasons delayed


AP Tests have moved online

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The Ever Growing Fire

Sophomore Callan Moore’s poem “The Ever Growing Fire” was submitted to Creative Communications where it was evaluated and sekected to be published into a Nation Wide Anthology.

Like a shadow like a dream

Her heart flew away as if it was never actually seen

The pieces no longer fit

So deep in the pit of false hope and lies

It took everything in her to hold back the cries

A book full of love and devotion

Is masked by a world of hate and false emotion

The pain inside the girl remains unseen

And still we run on by

Our hearts tied together with a bow the bitterness is just waiting to untie

We will hold tight in our hearts the words unsaid

The grudges growing larger hope hanging by a thread

It’s time we realize the fight isn’t only on the battle field

It a fight between bothers that ceases to yield

Our faith is left broken, forsaken in the depths of our hatred

Reasons and stories growing more complicated

So we remain invisible to our friends and family

Moving around as ghosts wretched with agony

Because in a world of broken hearts lies invisible souls.