STEM: Unpraised opportunities at Liberty

Margaret Baumgartner, Sports Editor

At Liberty we are fortunate enough to be offered multiple different opportunities in STEM. I am thankful for all these chances to further better myself as well as my education. Unfortunately, some students take these opportunities for granted. We have wonderful classes and clubs such as Math Club and Physettes that should have more people involved. Our school have over a thousand students in it and so few have taken advantage of the classes and clubs our beautiful school has to offer.

Thank you Liberty for providing us with the opportunity to take classes such as AP Statistics, AP Environmental Science, Forensics, and so much more. Without these chances many students may not be able to find their passion in life that could lead them to a promising future. Take advantage of the classes that Liberty has to offer, further better your education, involve yourself in STEM clubs and remember that not all schools have this wonderful opportunity that we do. Be thankful for the STEM chances you are offered at Liberty and be grateful you go here. Liberty has given you the chance to explore various different types of sciences and maths so take it.