Planting the seeds of informed citizenship

Bridget Ury, Photography Editor

In the 2018 King County Primary election only 43 percent of active registered voters turned out. Within this group, the 18-29 year olds were the least active, with an average of 25 percent of the age group voting in general elections.


However, this year, King County is preparing for its biggest turnout in a midterm, ever. Last year, I wouldn’t have cared about these statistics. After all, why would I care if not that many people voted?


Now, I am grateful to understand the nuances of elections and their bigger picture in a democracy. From the beginning, AP Government has been a big influence on me, allowing me to finally excel in a class that combines all my interests. I have always loved politics and being able to have a deeper understanding allows me to appreciate the value of what we are learning.


A major complaint many people have about classes is they will never need it in the “real world” which is probably true. You don’t need calculus or to know how to balance a chemical equation to be an artist.


Being an informed citizen however? A skill everyone needs to know. It is central to our democracy to have a strong voter force, especially among young people. AP Government allows students to grow in their understanding of politics, an unusually complex topic, and become better citizens and voters of tomorrow. Of things I’m thankful for, AP Government has my vote.