Budget breakdown

Despite the apparent lack of completion in some areas, our new school cost the District and tax payers a lot of money. How much money you ask? The total budget for Liberty 2.0 was $19 million. This got us at the Backpage wondering: what else could have been purchased with $19 million?

With the construction budget, we could have bought:

  • 2,483,660 orders of Ezell’s Student Special.
  • Eight Bugatti Veyron super cars.
  • A football team that can beat Bellevue.
  • The deed to Safeway.
  • 50 Million packets of Carnation’s Breakfast essentials .
  • Hire Kanye West to play at the next 48 proms.
  • 237,500 Widescreen monitors for the Journalism department.
  • Take the entire school on the French trip five times.
  • 2,695,035 orders of Kami lunch specials.
  • 575 Ford Explorer Police editions for Officer Montalvo.
  • 9,452 industrial ovens for L Café.
  • 32 swimming pools.
  • A competent construction company.