Teachers who promote active learning

Elizabeth Rollison, Editor In Chief

I’m a kinesthetic learner; I always have been. I absorb information best when I’m physically doing something, whether it’s doodling during a lecture, taking copious notes on a presentation, or participating in a simulation. 

However, in a world where you’re expected to sit perfectly still and read a textbook for ninety minutes straight, kinesthetic learners suffer. I’ve gotten used to contained physical motion to keep myself on-task during lectures or long periods of reading–bouncing my legs, tapping my fingers, or doodling in a notebook. And, considering the fidgeting and rumbling that I often hear during classes, I know that others are suffering from the same antsiness that plagues me. 

Lack of classroom activities is understandable. Running a classroom and grading papers is a ton of work; trying to organize active simulations on top of all that is nearly impossible. But those teachers who do go the extra mile for kinesthetic learners have my eternal thanks.

From building crash test carts out of pop cans to simulating presidential debates to playing Hamlet review Jenga, physical activities are entertaining and educational, and cement information in unique ways for all learning types. 

These activities benefit everyone involved: students get to move around and have fun, teachers get to explore their chosen subject in a new and unique way, and everybody has a ton of fun.

I can’t say that I remember every single fill-in-the-blank worksheet that I’ve ever done. But I know that I’ll always have amazing memories of feudalism simulations and color-changing chemistry solutions and escape-room style pre-calc activities. Even if you aren’t a kinesthetic learner, chances are, you’re going to enjoy yourself while participating. 

So here’s to you, teachers who recognize and understand all of us students who learn best in unusual ways. Your creativity and care make Liberty a brighter place.