ASB Posters

Hallie Chen, Editor In Chief

I wanted to smash my head into the wall.

Freshman orientation, I was stumbling through Liberty trying to find my classes. It was impossible. Every hallway looked the same, because they were all the same boring, pasty, eggshell white color.

Then, suddenly, I walked into a kaleidoscope of blue and green. Under a massive sign welcoming in the “Class of 2020,” hundreds of ‘L’s lined the walls. 

And there was my very own name, written in capital Sharpie letters on an ‘L,’ ready for me to claim. 

I grinned. Maybe this high school thing wouldn’t be so bad after all. 

Beyond their utility as mere landmarks, though, I am truly thankful for how ASB posters have always managed to make me feel welcome and included. Whether I’m a lonely, lost freshman or a prideful, stressed-out senior, I’ve loved seeing a sense of community bursting across Liberty’s walls for over four years.

From jazzed-up Homecoming class posters, to massive Snowcoming snowmen in the front entrance windows, to senior going-away maps at the end of the year, every piece adds a little more spirit to and within our hallways. Plus, laughing at the corny jokes on the stairs always serves as a nice break from the panting caused by climbing the stairs. 

ASB, thank you for the hundreds of hours and paint pens you invest in decorating our walls.

And most of all, thank you for keeping my head intact.