Mrs. Munson: quote master, leader, and a friendly motivator

Sara Bluhm, Photography Editor

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

To most, this is a motivational quote that they will read once and carry on. To a select group of students in Liberty’s ASB program it is a reminder of their mission, vision, and the woman who inspires and pushes us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Mrs. Munson places that very quote at the end of every email, important assignments, and on the wall within the ASB classroom to remind us what a true leader is. Not only has she explained what a leader is, but she has truly shown me what it is to be a leader through example.

Whether it be staying after school to supervise ASB in preparation for a spirit week, or spending her weekend setting up for Snowcoming or Homecoming she is always willing to help. On most Fridays nights the message, “Have fun, be safe, and make good choices.”  Comes through from her class ghost text. She always know exactly what to say, no matter what the situation is, that will bring light to your situation.

I admire that she is a leader who knows when it is best to step aside and let another take charge because she knows that it is necessary to create another leader. I believe that she has managed to reach the fifth level of leadership-highlighted by John Maxwell- with every student in the ASB program.

The fifth level is the pinnacle of leadership which is characterized by the word respect. People are willing to follow you because of who you are and what you represent. I know that every ASB student, including myself, would willingly follow her in any trial.

She remains dedicated to the program and extends encouragement to anyone and everyone. She inspires and leads younger generations of leaders with only the best intentions. And above all else, she never loses sight of what

So I am thankful today, as well as every other day, to have an individual as amazing as Mrs. Munson to show me no only what it means to be a leader, but also a positive and caring being that has the power to change someone for the better. Without Mrs. Munson, I would not be who I am today. So thank you, Mrs. Munson, for all that you do.