Fall in love with the Liberty’s fall captains

Allyson Phung, Editorial Board

Cross Country

Q: How would you describe the team’s culture?

A: “It’s hard to describe, but we are a close group. We have a meme page and a lot of inside jokes that we post, which is really nice. It shows how we can poke fun at and with each other, which I think brings people closer on the team,” senior captain Kaya Hill said.


Girls soccer

Q: What’s been your favorite memory you’ve made this year?

A: “We’re very accepting of one another, and we understand that everyone comes from different backgrounds, which is why we love each other,” said senior captain Rachelle Stewart.


Girls swim & dive

Q: How would you describe the season so far?

A: This season has been super hyped. We’re more united as a team. This year everyone’s been very inclusive, and everyone has been stepping up and coming together,” senior captain Keira Pham said.



Q: Does the team have any pre-game rituals?

A: We have a bunch of rituals, but the two biggest ones are the Patriot Creed, which is a poem written 20 years ago that we recite before every game and the rock. We touch the rock every time we walk down the hill, like after halftime,” senior caption Garrison Hanses said.


Boys golf

Q: What has been your favorite match this season?

A: My favorite match was against Mercer Island because they were a really fun team to interact with. Also, I shot a 36 even, which made the game even better,” senior captain Jack Adams.


Boys tennis

Q: “How would you describe the team culture for the boy’s tennis team?

A: “We’re all one big family on the tennis team. Even when new people join the team, everyone tries their best to get close to them.



Q: How would you predict how the rest of the season will go?

A: I think we have a really good chance at winning KingCo, especially if everyone keeps improving at the rate they are. Everyone is really determined to work hard through practice and discipline,” senior captain Naomi Hancock said.