Boys basketball: bouncing back

Serena Sherwood, Editorial Board Member

“It’s a rush,” captain Josh Chung said, when asked about the feeling of playing with the rest of his team.
Boys basketball has just started its current season, and they’re starting out strong.
After many seniors graduated last year, Liberty’s team is bouncing back with the addition of many new players. Currently, they hold a 4-2 win-loss record.
“We’ve lost some of our scoring from last year, but it also brings opportunity to make a more diverse team this year,” Chung said.
“This team is just starting out. The life, so to speak, is just beginning,” head coach Omar Parker said.
To help this new team bond, the team is holding dinners, along with spending time together outside of practice.
“Basketball has made us closer friends. We have dinner together on Thursdays, before games on Friday. It’s fun to hang out together,” junior Kaden Alberghini said.
The team also finds time to bond during their many off-season competitions and events.
“We played over 30 games in the off-season, beginning in the spring and ending just a few weeks ago. One of the best ways to bond is to go through the rigors of practice and competition every day,” Parker said.
The team is also heading to a competition over winter break in Palm Springs, California.
“It’s going to be very competitive,” Parker said. “The winter tournament is four games in five days. It will be a fun time in Palm Springs, but we hope to come home stronger.”
“This season is definitely going to be new for all of us, but we’re all really excited to see what it brings,” Alberghini said.