Softball team fights through adversity with positive attitude

Sam Kelderman, Sports Editor

The softball team has been struggling this season with a multitude of setbacks; underdeveloped defense, and inexperienced pitching has limited the girls success this season. However, the girls have seen a lot of growth. “One of our goals has been to stay positive, and the girls have done that,” coach Jon Kinsley said. “I applaud them because they have been able to stay together as a team. They have worked pretty hard so I am proud of the effort they have shown.” The girls’ optimism for the season has helped them grow as a team as well. “We started out with girls who have never played before,” senior Madison O’Connor said. “A lot of girls had never pitched before so just the fact that they are out there is great.” The girls season ended in their district qualifying game on May 13 against Forest Ridge losing 16-1.