Are you scared of math? Does physics intimidate you? Are you lost the minute you start looking through all the files on a computer, only seeing titles that might as well be in a foreign language? Chances are, you can relate to one or two of these, but you may still enjoy math, chemistry, programming, or even building things from the ground up, but since when did we need to extend the reaches of the category these classes, majors, and careers fall into?
As the term STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) is gradually falling into use, I can’t help but feel like it has become a pointless notion for schools and educational programs as it encourages inclusivity in a strictly math and science-related area of study.
We sort things into categories for a reason, though. We have CTE, language, PE, and social studies classes just to name a few. People never cease to make some new title (like “Fintech”) for an assortment of topics they want to group together, and it’s getting tiring to keep up with. Some are more tolerable than others and often make some sense, but STEAM is where I draw the line.
In recent years, STEAM has been implemented more in originally STEM-based programs to encourage inclusivity within the programs, and while inclusivity is great to keep in mind, there are some things that people just won’t enjoy doing.
When taking a glance at science, tech, engineering, and math, there are professions that overlap with art. For example,architecture, and CAD (computer aided design) utilize both art and STEM. When described a certain way, even graphic design could pass as STEM with emphasis on the technology used. Because of this, I don’t understand why we need to include ALL art. If someone is an oil painter or a poet, they wouldn’t just say they work in STEAM because then, how would they distinguish themselves from mathematicians or programmers?
If the point of STEAM was to encourage participation and include more topics and people, why are they leaving out other subjects like research, history and physical education? STEAM has reached a certain point to where the category is so broad that it’s just leaving things out instead.
As much as I’m all in for inclusivity, STEAM is NOT on my woke agenda and it never will be. It’s just a pointless title made by adults for some shot at including everyone in a place not everyone has to belong. If someone doesn’t like STEM, so be it! That doesn’t mean we should expand the title so everyone can say they’re in STEAM.