Laptops need to be plugged in

Mia Oliver, Staff Writer

Barely beating the bell,you rush into Guided Study, swiftly dumping your backpack at your desk before heading to grab a laptop. Your head throbs at the thought of all the homework you have: an essay for AP Lang, three EDpuzzle videos for precalculus, and a formal lab write-up for APES. All of this you need to finish in just an hour and a half so  you can make it to soccer practice, then a three-hour shift at work with room to breathe: You grab the last laptop, your immense stress levels distracting you from the fact that it was not plugged in. After a third attempt at getting the screen to light up, your stomach sinks. You silently stare at your defeated reflection in the black screen of the dead laptop. Holding back screams of frustrations, you grab another laptop from the cart and press the power button, only to be welcomed by another black screen. Computers are a necessity for most, so please, spare someone the headache and plug in your laptop when you’re done—it only takes two seconds.