Gossip: why it needs to stop

Paige Hopkins, Staff Writer

It always starts the same way.

“You’ll never believe what I heard last period.”

“What? What was it? ”

“Well… ”

Gossip. We probably do it more than we even realize—whether we are talking about how badly someone did on that math test or our opinion on some couple’s relationship. And really, gossip is fun, it’s easy and it’s entertaining. However, we need to make sure we stop and think about just how hurtful gossip can be.

Yes, I know we’ve all had the cliché pounded into our heads when we were young, that we shouldn’t talk about people behind their backs. Yet, we’ve all done it—myself included. I suppose it’s fair to say that at this point in our lives, with the “real world” just around the corner, not gossiping isn’t exactly the biggest priority.  But we can’t just throw that childhood advice out the window. For one thing, gossip is just flat-out immature. We are high schoolers by now, and we’re are supposed to be handling things like adults. And, quite simply, spreading rumors or backstabbing your friends isn’t the way that adults deal with problems. If you have an issue with someone, talk to him or her about it. If you feel the urge to spread a malicious rumor just because it’s entertaining, don’t. Gossip is cowardly, petty option. It takes far more integrity and maturity to deal with things head on.

What’s more, getting a reputation as a gossiper isn’t going to gain you any friends. I know a few people who are like that and, quite honestly, I’m always a little nervous to talk to them. No one enjoys knowing that people are talking about you behind your back. Gossiping is fun, but in the long run all it does is spark disagreements. It ultimately doesn’t benefit you, and it certainly doesn’t benefit anyone else.

So, Patriots, next time you have the opportunity to gossip, try and approach the situation like an adult and stem that childish desire to talk about people behind their backs. It’s just the right thing to do.