As Finals are approaching, stress, sleepiness, and anxiety is enviable. However there are many strategies’ to ease the stress and prepare you to do well on your Finals, all it takes is a time, perseverance, and a whole lot of dedication.
#1 – Study in groups
Get together a group of friends and help each other understand concepts that you find challenging. By studying in a group you can help motivate others while being motivated yourself!
#2- Study in chunks, avoid cramming
Although sometimes unavoidable, cramming really isn’t that most effective way to study. Studying in chucks over a period of over a week can help you retain knowledge to the best of your ability. Procrastinating will lead to poor performance.
#3- If confused, get help
Teachers are paid to help you, so if you are confused about a specific idea or concept go in and get help, they will be more than happy to help you. Another way you can get help by taking advantage of the free tutoring offered at our school, because it can be very beneficial.
#4- Try different memory devices
Try flashcards, writing stuffs down over and over, thinking of creative ways to help you remember, etc. These techniques have been proven to improve memorization. Whether by using memory aids (like mnemonic devices) or making facts personal, bringing test material to life will make it much easier to remember.
#5- Take breaks
Studying for too long can be harmful too, so reward yourself with a ten minute break every hour you are working hard.
#6- Turn off all distractions
When working in a environment with lots of distractions it can be difficult to stay focused and get things done, so turn off your phone and TV and stay focused!
#6- Get lots of sleep the night prior
Try to shoot for at least six hours of sleep the night prior, you will thank yourself in the morning when you’re not falling asleep in the middle of your final.
#7- Eat a balanced breakfast the morning of
Try and eat something healthy the morning of, it’s proven that if you aren’t hungry while taking a final, you will do better.