Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press

Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press

Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press


School Delayed in response to COVID-19 until April 24


Spring Sports seasons delayed


AP Tests have moved online

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Well rounded students have bright futures

Designing and building a robot, speaking Japanese with unfamiliar people, playing the bassoon, and debating world issues—these are all experiences that could turn into a career. Granted, the core classes we take are very important because they provide a foundation of learning and common knowledge, but our society has such diverse job opportunities that a well-rounded person is usually more appealing to employers than someone who went through school without any supplemental schooling.

Student who take advantage of the extra-curriculars and unique electives their school offers are able to explore their interests and develop skills that may stay with them for the rest of their life.  Our L’café and DECA are prime examples of electives that give students universally valuable experience. Some students may be interested in becoming salesmen or chefs later in life, but the students that are not will find the skills acquired in high school very valuable. A DECA student might find his salesmanship and quick thinking will make interviewing for a competitive job a bit less stressful. An L’café student may find their cooking skills praised by dinner guests. Both have skills that are not necessary to their job, but prove beneficial in some realm of their life.

Extra-curriculars at Liberty range from Harry Potter Club to Physettes. Students in Physettes are performing complex science experiments and learning about STEM fields available to women. This club is very clearly linked to each girl’s future, providing very unique experiences to the girls involved. Harry Potter Club allows students to connect over a topic that they are all interested in, and finding what you are passionate about and pursuing it is an invaluable life trait.

Either in or out of school, programs that are not strictly core provide students with life skills that have inestimable benefits. It is important that educators recognize their value for the student’s long-term success.