Do you have any advice for current seniors since it’s their last year in high school?
“You should enjoy it and live it to the fullest. Grades aren’t as big of a deal once your application is submitted. Schools will certainly check them again, but they won’t rescind an application if you aren’t failing classes.”
– UW Seattle freshman Carson Taylor
“Make plans for after the big events like prom and graduation night. There is nothing worse than going home when you want to be out.”
– Gap year student Logan Winfield
Is there anything you did senior year that helped with the application process?
“I was really involved in ROTC. I don’t know necessarily know how that looked on my application, but I think that doing a lot for the program made me look dedicated.”
– American University student Eowyn Ream
“Trying out different events and clubs with different people definitely helped build my experience to draw from while doing my application. Pushing yourself inside and outside of class is valuable, even if you’re not taking difficult classes.”
– UW Seattle sophomore Anthony Mangus
How should seniors be prepping for college?
“One of the hardest things about college is growing apart from your high school friends. You might be close right now, but in a year, you might not even talk anymore. You have to just accept it and be grateful for the years of friendship that you had. Also, realize that you’re going to make a ton of friends in college as well.”
– Central Washington freshman Alex James
“Whether you move 5 or 5,000 miles away from your house, you still need to learn how to take care of yourself. You have to eat three meals a day, sleep a sustainable amount, and stay on top of your laundry. It can be difficult when nobody is telling you what to do.”
– UW Seattle freshman Carson Taylor
Why did you join a sorority?
“The major thing you can get out of Greek life is having connections. Once you leave your school or sorority or fraternity , you can take all those connections and apply them to the real world.”
– UW Seattle freshman Kendall Sullivan
How did you prepare for moving out of state?
“I took more of a ‘don’t think about it until you have to deal with it’ approach. It’s worked for me because if you try and prepare for these things, you can’t fully prepare. There’s always something that will surprise, so it can be rough, but it passes.”
– American University freshman Eowyn Ream