Monsters, traps, and spells: the new fantasy game, Yu-Gi-Oh!
November 30, 2018
The video gamers go to SMASH club. The board gamers have Dungeons and Dragons. And the card gamers can thank Sophomore Gabriel Ruelas for bringing the highest-grossing media franchise to Liberty—Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Based on Duel Monsters in the original manga series, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game has gained international popularity since its launch in 1999 (in Japan) and 2002 (in North America). Liberty’s Yu-Gi-Oh! Club meets every Thursday after school in portable 6, where members participate in a tournament to win the cards at stake.
“My friends and I got bored with only having two other people to duel over and over, so I had the idea to create a club where new people could come,” Gabe shared.
Never heard of Yu-Gi-Oh? “Come on and join,” said the club president. “I have spare decks and am willing to personally teach anyone who does not know how to play.”