Organization is key

Aurora Bryan, Editorial Board Member

With there no longer being set schedules or due dates for school work, it can be very easy to fall behind or lose track of what assignments you should be doing. Now, more than ever, it’s important to stay organized and on top of your school work. For some people this can be a challenge, so here’s a few ways you can keep track of your assignments and stay organized!

  • A trusty planner never fails. You can use a planner to write down all of your assignments and split them up into the days you want to do them.
    • is a free website that allows you to design your own planner, so you can make it personalized and fun!
  • Creating an Excel document or even just a table listing your classes and the assignments you have for each class is a good way to keep track of what you need to work on for each class.
  • Sometimes the best solution is the simplest one; writing out a physical list of your assignments not only helps keep track of your work, but can also give you the satisfaction of getting to cross each thing off as you accomplish it.
  • There are countless apps you can download on your phone to help you plan, make lists, and remind you of assignments. Ex: MinimaList, Lists To do, Todoist

However, despite all these organization strategies, it is important to realize that the most valuable tool you have at this time is self discipline. All the organization and planning in the world won’t mean anything if you don’t hold yourself responsible for following it. Now go and be productive!