Liberty students protest water leak

James Ricks, Backpage Editor

Liberty High School has a number of traditions. Whether it’s the spirit stick at assemblies, or the “Bod Squad” at Homecoming, the culture of Liberty is largely founded on our heritage. In the past few months, however, one of these Liberty traditions has come into question: the English hall water leak.

Students at Liberty know it well. Sitting just outside the English hall, the leak has kept the carpet there perpetually wet since the new wing’s construction over two years ago. In winter months, with the heavier rain, it even forms a pond, greeting Liberty students to the English hallway with a loving splash.

That said, the administration at Liberty has recently tried to fix the age-old leak, claiming that the leak represents wasted federal funding. Citing reports of chronic foot wet-ness, administration has approved the allocation of a team of construction workers to the task.

Administration didn’t anticipate the student body’s reaction, however.

Chaining themselves to the floor on the damp patch in the carpet, several Liberty students have refused to move until the repair crew is disbanded.

“This puddle is part of our heritage, and our heritage is what makes this school great,” Liberty senior Ak Tivist said. “We won’t let the tyrannical administration destroy the school we love.”