Recent Additions to Liberty: New additions to the Patriot staff

Skyler Radford and Allie Bowe

Motoko Abe
Subject: Japanese

“All the students here are nice and I like the nature here. Texas was very different! I want to make the Japanese program bigger and make an authentic atmosphere here.”

Vicki Kenney
Subject: Counselor H-N

“Everyone is really thoughtful. The energy is really positive. I’ve had no problems so far. I have excellent fellow counselors and I always have somebody I can go to ask questions.”

Michael Butterworth
Subject: Theatre/Video Production

“I’m excited to bring fresh energy to the drama department. It’s part of the job to provide interesting programs not just for the community but for the students!”

Sheryl Ostrander
Subject: Resource

“It’s easy at such large schools to feel like a number instead of an individual person who actually knows people around the school. So I think it’s better for students and staff to have a smaller school.”

Alyssa O’Brien
Subject: English

“I’ve heard that it’s like a family here and I think that’s very true. I want to create a friendly safe environment for students. Also, I want to grow as a teacher myself, and I’m just super excited to be at Liberty!”

Brad Anderson
Subject:Weight training & Teamsports

“I get to teach students the safety of weight training, and when they work hard they see growth in themselves. Hopefully I’m teaching them something they can use for the rest of their lives.”

Kathryn Deschenes
Subject: World Language

“I want my students to develop an appreciation for the Spanish speaking world. I want them to be appreciative of immigrants who come here and have to learn English and to realize how large the world is.”

Andrea Antrim
Subject: Social Studies

“One of my goals is to have the AP geography class have more periods. The course teaches people how to think about the world around them and apply everything they learn to their own lives.”

Jake Crowley
Subject: English

“It’s okay to make messes in your mind and not have it all figured out. I want kids to persevere and learn about themselves while they’re learning the subject matter and to improve as writers and thinkers.”

Holly Spridik
Subject: Art

“I’ve been teaching art for six years. I saw a posting for a ceramics teacher which is what I’ve been wanting to do so it’s a perfect fit. I’m really enjoying the students and how creative they are.”