Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press

Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press

Forum for student expression since 1977

The Patriot Press

“16 Years Later”

Gabby Smith May 6, 2014

Dead on the inside, alive on the out My whole life is a cloud of doubt. Sitting in my life hole of dis-pare I am so So unaware of the spot light that lay on me. I summon all my might to make a noise,...


Featured Poet: Jarrett Hopewell December 10, 2013

Our lives are masks that reveal only shadows of what we wish to present. If you were to take a quick glimpse into my thoughts and mind, you would be petrified. My outside view is not false, but instead...

The Ever Growing Fire

Callan Moore November 7, 2013

Sophomore Callan Moore's poem "The Ever Growing Fire" was submitted to Creative Communications where it was evaluated and sekected to be published into a Nation Wide Anthology. Like a shadow like a...

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