House and Garden club plans to expand its activities come spring

Rita Melnikova, Senior Writer

Having already conquered some of the typical club activities like pumpkin carving, gingerbread building and house ornament painting, House and Garden club, new to Liberty, is ready to expand into new grounds.
“This club helps you bond with people of common interests because nowadays gardening feels more and more unpopular. Not a lot of people are willing to go outside and interact with the environment in a ways that gives back,” House and Garden club president Talia Gustin said.
The club is fairly interactive and is kept fresh by involving the club members and adhering to specific skill sets that they want to learn. The intent is for the club to model a knowledge that students would get in a classes such as culinary or art but through a club experience.
“We have been doing a lot more home oriented crafty kinds of things. We also have been doing some cooking, we bring in the food we make – basic recipes — and share it with the club,” House and Garden club vice-president Isabella Francavilla said.
Although currently constricted by the weather, the club is looking to expand into more season appropriate activities and get their club members some hands on experience with gardening and planting.
Home and Garden club meets in Eleonor Schneider’s room at 2:30 every other Thursday.